Thursday, March 14, 2013

Biggest stars currently known to man

So, you thought our Sun was big?

Think again!

Here's a list of the 10 biggest stars currently known to man, there could be even bigger stars which we have not found yet.

10. Mu Cephei, about 6000 lightyears out, is 650x the Sun.

9. VV Cephei A, about 5000 lightyears away from us, is at least 1050x bigger than the Sun.

8. PZ Cassiopeiae, at the enormous distance of 17800 lightyears, 1190x the Sun.

7. RW Cephei, 11500 lightyears, 1260x the Sun.

6. VY Canis Majoris, (3900 ly) once number 1, but smaller than expected, is still about 1420x the Sun.
5. KY Cygni, 5000 ly, at least 1420x the Sun.

4. KW Sagittarii, 10000 ly away, is about 1460x the Sun.

3. VX Sagittarii, more than 5000 lightyears away, is 1520x the Sun.

This is how VX Sagittarii might look from 2400 AU (Sun-to-Earth) away. It looks "bubbly" because it is a pulsating star (much like a heart is pulsating).

2. WOH G64, at 163000(!) lightyears away is 1540 times bigger than our Sun.

Artist's rendition of WOH G64
And finally our number 1 on the list...

NML Cygni!

NML Cygni is about 5300 lightyears away from Earth and is 1650 times the size of the Sun. To give you an impression of how large that actually is: If this was the star of the Solar System, its surface would reach between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn is more than 1,4 billion kilometers away from the Sun...

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